Winners 2012 |
The winners of the European Games Award 2012!
Congratulations to the best European Games, Studios, Publishers and Artists! And thanks a lot to all of our 230.000 voters from all over the world!! :-)

Best European Action Game |
Battlefield 3 |
Best European Adventure Game |
Botanicula |
Best European Art Direction |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Browser Game |
GoodGame Empire
Best European Character Design |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Community |
Best European Console Game |
Battlefield 3 |
Best European Game |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Game Design |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Gameworld |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Indie Game |
Minecraft |
Best European Mobile Game |
Burnout Crash!
Best European Multiplayer Game |
Battlefield 3 |
Best European Publisher | |
Best European Racing Game |
Driver: San Francisco
Best European Sound |
Battlefield 3 |
Best European Special Edition |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings |
Best European Strategy Game |
Anno 2070
Best European Studio |
Blue Byte
Europe's Most Wanted Game |
Assassin's Creed 3
Europe's Most Wanted Online Game |
World of Warplanes
Personality Award |
Markus Persson
10 Tickets left! |

Hurry up!
The European Games Award 2012 is in less then a week and here is your chance to grab one of the last 10 tickets for the show!
be part of Europe's biggest people's choice award show in games and meet international game developers in person.
People like Charles Cecil from Revolution Software, Karl Magnus from DICE, Victor Kislyi from and many more will present more then 10 on-stage categories.
Okay, I want my ticket now!
Intermediate Results Disabled |

Seven days to go on the European Games Award 2012!
As planned we disabled the intermediate results to keep the tension high for this year's European Games Award.
We will have ten on-stage categories with various laudators like Charles Cecil from Revolution Software, Karl Magnus from DICE, Victor Kislyi from and many many more!
Stay tuned for Europe's biggest people's choice award show in games! |
Updates |

Spec Ops: The Line from YAGER changes category. Since there were open places in Best European Action Game and Best European Console Game, Spec Ops enters the competition in these categories.
Still 39 days remaining. Vote now for our late replacements and help them to catch up!

Updates |

We surpased right now the 70,000 votes mark and set a new record for the European Games Award!
We hope you enjoy beeing part of the biggest people's choice award for video games.
In the Intermediate Results you can see live how the different games compete. We will disable the live view a week before the show to not spoil the final results and keep the tension high during the show!
The following changes was made since the voting started.
A new candidate enters the competition in Best European Racing Game. Gas Guzzlers: Combat Carnage from Croatian developer Gamepires is a darn good looking successor of Death Rally.

Need for Speed: The Run was developed by EA Black Box in Canada and therefore does not qualify for the European Games Award, albeit it is a very good racing game!

Another news from the categories, we got a hint from EA that Syndicate is going to be indexed in Germany and therefore we have to disqualify the game.

Unfortunately we had to disqualify Dead Island because it's indexed.

Sorry guys, but because of the German youth protection law we are not allowed to make any kind of advertising for indexed games. |
Category Updates |

Great news!
We have sent everyone who voted in the last two years an invitation for this years voting and we already collected in less than 24 hours more than 30,000 votes. We also contacted all the companies involved in the voting and got great feedback.
They also pointed out some minor mistakes we corrected, mostly grammar or graphical but we also had to change one game that did not met all regulations. We changed the game The Mummy Online from Bigpoint to Pirate Storm also from Bigpoint. The change was made because The Mummy Online was not developed in Europe.

European Games Award voting 2012 online! |

3,2,1………..the European Games Award voting 2012 is online right now!
Europe´s biggest public choice award for games with more than 75,000 active voters in the last year is back again.
Which nominees will win? You got it in your hands! Just go to log in and choose your favorite game in more than 20 categories. Games like Minecraft, Angry Birds Space, Batman Arkham City or The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings wait for your vote. This year is also the launch for two brand new categories: “Most Wanted Online Game” and “Best European Character Design”.
Check out and support your favorite game and maybe you will win two of 20 tickets for the show.
The winners 2011 are: |
Best European Action Game
Best European Studio
Best European Add-On/DLC
Best European Strategy Game
Best European Special Edition
Best European Adventure
Most Wanted Game
Best European Browser Game
Best European Publisher
Best European Game Design
Best European Gaming Portal
Best European Sound
Best European Gameworld
Best European Advertisement
Best European Art Direction
Best European Online Game
Best European Community Support
Best European Handheld Game
Best European Racing Game
Best European Social Game
Best European Indie Game
Personality Award
Best European Game
Best European Country
The award show is getting closer |

The award show of the European Games Award 2011 is getting closer, as it already starts on August 13th 2011. On that date winners in over 20 categories will be awarded on the event-ship „Pure Liner 1“. Prior to this, the winners have been elected in Europe’s greatest public voting with over half a million votes cast.
But not only the active participation of enthusiastic gamers across Europe gives the award show that special European touch. Award presentations will be made in each price category by well-known persons of the gaming-industry.
From Sweden we have DICE’s Kenny Magnusson and Magnus Sjöberg coming to Cologne, presenting the price for the „Best European Action Game”. Also coming from the north, but from the stronghold of the gaming industry, Great Britain we will have Ian Pickles and Kelvin Aston. Both are senior producers at Team17, well known for the Alien Breed- and the Worms-series. Pickles and Aston present the price for the “Best European Studio”
Mario Bauman, general manager GAS from the mainsponsor of the European Games Award 2011,, comes from the german capital Berlin and welcomes the winner of the categorie„Most Wanted Game“ on the stage.
Adam Badowski and John Mamais from the polish developer CD Projekt RED – as managing director and head of production both important for the success of The Witcher-series – hand over the trophy for the „Best European Browser Game“ to the lucky winner.
Chris Schmitz, from the Düsseldorfer studio BlueByte and currently working on Anno 2070, will present the winner in the category „Best European Publisher“.
Sven Liebich from Hamburgs company Bigpoint and as head of art responsible for the graphical design of the games, hands over the award for the “Best European Art Direction”. Jasmin Kassner-Orthbandt is the CEO of and well known for her social gaming project ChawaChawa, wherewith gamers can playfully support social relief projects. She will award the winner of the category „Best European Online Game“.
Best-known should also be the following names: Avni, Cevat and Faruk Yerli. They are the leading heads of the development studio Crytek and will also join the award show. Avni Yerli will furthermore held the honorific speech for the „Best European Indie Game“.
Last, but not least a true veteran will hand over the much sought-after European Games Award 2011 for the “Best European Game”. The person we are talking about is Charles Cecil, co-founder of Revolution Games and creator of games like Beneath A Steel Sky and the Broken Sword-series.
Some of the mentioned persons are not only for their laudations on board of the „Pure Liner 1“, but are also on the list of the potential award winners in various categories of the European Games Award 2011. |
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